Vancouver, BC


The Canadian Society of Healthcare-Systems Pharmacy

Rajwant Minhas

Marlo Lipsett Northern Health Regional Verification Pharmacist Profile submitted by: Gordon Ling Brief description of role or responsibilities Marlo is one of the regional verification pharmacists for Northern Health and performs regional verification and clinical support across the north. Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy…
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Marlo Lipsett

Angela Tong Clinical Pharmacist Profile submitted by: Ginny Chen, Madison Lai Brief description of role or responsibilities As the clinical pharmacist at the Timber Creek Tertiary Care Facility, Angela is an active and valued member of the care team where her clinical expertise is relied upon. She showcases the importance pharmacists are to an inter-professional…
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Mary Jensen

Mary Jensen Purchaser Profile submitted by: Georgia Wilkinson Brief description of role or responsibilities Purchaser for the Campbell River Hospital Pharmacy department Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department: Mary tirelessly manages our Pharmacy stock ensuring that our patients have the medications they need. There…
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Aron Nenninger

Angela Tong Clinical Pharmacist Profile submitted by: Ginny Chen, Madison Lai Brief description of role or responsibilities As the clinical pharmacist at the Timber Creek Tertiary Care Facility, Angela is an active and valued member of the care team where her clinical expertise is relied upon. She showcases the importance pharmacists are to an inter-professional…
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LGH Technicians & Assistants

LGH Technicians & Assistants Clinical Pharmacist Profile submitted by: Will Shum Brief description of role or responsibilities Primary Care Clinical Pharmacist Vicky provides comprehensive medication management for patients in Richmond.  Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department: Vicky has taken her experience working at Jim…
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Angela Tong

Rochelle Gellatly Rochelle Gellatly BScPharm, ACPR, PharmD, BCCCP Coordinator, Clinical Pharmacy Services,  Surrey Memorial Hospital Profile submitted by: Karyn Bagri & Harleen Chohan Brief description of role or responsibilities Dr. Rochelle Gellatly is the Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator at Surrey Memorial Hospital. Through this role, Rochelle has advocated for the department through innovative leadership and strategy…
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Vicky O’Dwyer

Vicky O’Dwyer Clinical Pharmacist Profile submitted by: Will Shum Brief description of role or responsibilities Primary Care Clinical Pharmacist Vicky provides comprehensive medication management for patients in Richmond.  Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department: Vicky has taken her experience working at Jim Pattison Outpatient…
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Beverley Charchuk

Beverley Charchuk Pharmacy Technician Supervisor Profile submitted by: Ray Jang Brief description of role or responsibilities Bev is the pharmacy technician supervisor at the Surrey Memorial Hospital Pharmacy Department (Main Pharmacy supporting the adult population) where she is responsible for ensuring our staff of pharmacy technicians exceed the expected standards of practice, recruit and organize…
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Rochelle Gellatly

Rochelle Gellatly Rochelle Gellatly BScPharm, ACPR, PharmD, BCCCP Coordinator, Clinical Pharmacy Services,  Surrey Memorial Hospital Profile submitted by: Karyn Bagri, Harleen Chohan, and Florian Zhou Brief description of role or responsibilities Dr. Rochelle Gellatly is the Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator at Surrey Memorial Hospital.   Rochelle coordinates clinical pharmacy services at Surrey Memorial Hospital. She strongly actively…
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Corie-Anne Defelice

Corie-Anne Defelice Northern Health North West Sterile Compounding Coordinator Profile submitted by: Gordon Ling Brief description of role or responsibilities As a sterile compounding coordinator, Corie-Anne works to maintains pharmacy compliance with the legislated standards required to compound hazardous and non-hazardous sterile preparations. She works collaboratively with Pharmacy Managers, Pharmacy Technician Supervisors, and other Sterile…
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