BC’s primary care pharmacists are a vital part of the healthcare system
Snippets from the Georgia Strait Article (click above for full article)
“Picture this: David arrives early at his family doctor’s office. Today, however, he’s not here to see his doctor. He has an appointment to review his medications with a primary care pharmacist.
Juggling a list of 15 medications, his inhalers, and his bag of vitamins and herbal supplements, he isn’t sure what to expect. Over the years, his medication regimen has become increasingly complex, and he’s unsure why he’s taking some of them.
The pharmacist introduces herself to David, and over the next hour she talks to him about how he uses his medications and his personal health goals. With David’s personal preferences in mind, she reviews each medication, assesses how they align with his health goals, and develops a care plan that works for him. David learns that one of his medications could be causing low blood sugar and some of his supplements might not be necessary.”
Will Shum is a primary care pharmacist working with the Richmond Primary Care Network. Charles Au is a primary care pharmacist with the Surrey-North Delta Primary Care Network and the clinical pharmacist educator for primary care in British Columbia. Anthony Tung is the coordinator for pharmacists working in primary care networks within Vancouver Coastal Health.
Information and Image Source: Georgia Strait and SHVETS PRODUCTION VIA PEXELS (from Georgia Straight article)

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