This grant aims to support and promote pharmacist- or pharmacy technician-led initiatives focused on environmental sustainability. The goal is to encourage efforts that reduce pharmaceutical waste, minimize the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals, and enhance the climate resilience of the healthcare system and patients. By fostering innovative programs and practices, this grant seeks to empower pharmacy professionals to take meaningful action toward a more sustainable future.
Grant Description
This grant will be given to a member of the CSHP-BC Branch whose application shows a significant and promising contribution to reducing pharmacy-related impact on the environment. The grant will consist of up to $5000.
- The successful applicant must currently be an active pharmacist or pharmacy technician member of the CSHP-BC Branch (with a minimum of 1 year of membership).
- Should the applicant be successful in the grant competition, the applicant or delegate will be required to present the results of their initiative at one of the CSHP-BC branch presentations during Pharmacy Awareness Month the following year.
- Application does not duplicate funding already held for this project or a portion of the project. If an additional funding source is being solicited, the funding source, funding amount and decision date for that funding source is to be declared.
Competition Process
For each year that the grant is offered:
- A call for sustainable environment grant submissions will be announced around Pharmacy Awareness Month via emails and other media.
- The CSHP-BC Environment Grant Subcommittee will review submissions based on established criteria and forward funding recommendations to CSHP-BC Branch. Note: The amount of funding allotted to the successful application will be determined by the Grant Subcommittee to a maximum of $5,000 and may be approved or revised by the CSHP-BC Branch. The amount of the grant may be less than requested in the grant application.
- All grant applicants will be notified of the outcome of the Subcommittee’s evaluation of their application.
- Applications must achieve a minimum score in order to be considered for funding.
- The sustainable environment initiative or program should be completed within one year from the date the grant is received. The CSHP-BC Branch will consider extensions in exceptional circumstances only.
- The grant money will be released upon the signing of an agreement that will include an update to be submitted 6 months after the release of the grant money and a presentation of the program results during Pharmacy Awareness Month in the following year.
- A photograph of the grant recipient(s) and a summary of the funded initiative undertaken by the recipient(s) will be posted on the CSHP-BC website and announced in CSHP-BC publications and social media.
- Timelines for the grant competitions are:
- deadline for grant submission is April 22 (Earth Day)
- announcement of the successful applicant is in May
- progress update report in October
- presentation of initiative results during Pharmacy Awareness Month in March (the following year)
Required Elements of Grant Submission:
A written proposal (no more than 3 pages, Arial, 10 font) to include:
- A brief overview of the sustainable environment initiative or program including:
- Background and current impact on the environment
- Rationale and justification for the program, including relevance to the environment and/or patient care.
- Goals and objectives of the program, including anticipated benefits/impact on the environment.
- Measurable outcomes and deliverables, including impact on the environment, ability to sustain program after funding source has exhausted.
- A detailed timeline for the initiative/program.
- A detailed budget with description of costs.
- Funding can be used to fund personnel (i.e. students, analysts), supplies and equipment.
- Curriculum vitae of the principal applicant.
- A letter of support from the Director of the Hospital Pharmacy that the proposed change(s) will be implemented.