Vancouver, BC

Tag: PatientCenteredCare

Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists - BC Branch

Rachel Watters & Fleur Sussman

Rachel Watters HIV Clinical Pharmacist at DCHC and the MAT Program  Hepatitis C Clinical Pharmacist for the DTES network Fleur Sussman HIV Clinical Pharmacist at DCHC and the MAT Program Profile submitted by: Michelle Gnyra Brief description of role or responsibilities Rachel and Fleur are HIV clinical pharmacists at Downtown Community Health Clinic (DCHC) and…
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Karyn Bagri

Karyn Bagri Clinical Pharmacist – Critical Care & Experiential Education Facilitator Profile submitted by: Rochelle Gellatly & Ray Jang Brief description of role or responsibilities Karyn holds a clinical practice in Critical Care and works across Surrey campuses to support Office of Experiential Education practicum students as well as Practice Educators. Describe how the individual…
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Luciana Frighetto

Vanessa Paquette Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Profile submitted by: Caitlin Chew  Brief description of role or responsibilities Vanessa is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist who practices in Maternal Fetal Medicine as well as Antimicrobial Stewardship at BC Women’s Hospital. Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department: Vanessa…
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Vanessa Paquette

Stacey Tkachuk Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Profile submitted by: Caitlin Chew  Brief description of role or responsibilities Stacey is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the Oak Tree Clinic at BC Women’s Hospital providing care to women, children, and families living with HIV. Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or…
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Will Shum

Will Shum Clinical Pharmacist Profile submitted by: Kinson Tse Brief description of role or responsibilities Will is a residency-trained clinical pharmacist that practices at the Richmond Primary Care Network. He sees patients on a referral basis from family physicians and nurse practitioners for complex issues including polypharmacy, chronic pain, and medication education. He previously worked…
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Stacey Tkachuk

Stacey Tkachuk Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Profile submitted by: Caitlin Chew  Brief description of role or responsibilities Stacey is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the Oak Tree Clinic at BC Women’s Hospital providing care to women, children, and families living with HIV. Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or…
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Shantall McFee

Kinson Tse Clinical Pharmacist Profile submitted by: Vicky O’Dwyer Brief description of role or responsibilities Kinson is a residency trained clinical pharmacist with the Richmond Primary Care Network (PCN). He was one of the original 20 pharmacists hired in 2021 to spearhead the PCN program.  He brings a wide variety of clinical experience including internal…
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May Leung

May Leung Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre Clinical Coordinator Profile submitted by:  Ava Azhir Brief description of role or responsibilities May is the current clinical coordinator at Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre in Surrey. As the coordinator for the outpatient site, she is involved in both distribution and clinical activates to…
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Kinson Tse

Kinson Tse Clinical Pharmacist Profile submitted by: Vicky O’Dwyer Brief description of role or responsibilities Kinson is a residency trained clinical pharmacist with the Richmond Primary Care Network (PCN). He was one of the original 20 pharmacists hired in 2021 to spearhead the PCN program.  He brings a wide variety of clinical experience including internal…
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Rajwant Minhas

Marlo Lipsett Northern Health Regional Verification Pharmacist Profile submitted by: Gordon Ling Brief description of role or responsibilities Marlo is one of the regional verification pharmacists for Northern Health and performs regional verification and clinical support across the north. Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy…
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