Brenda Wright & Nina Sandhu
Nina Sandhu
Pharmacy Clinical Technician
Brenda Wright
Pharmacy Clinical Technician
Profile submitted by: Angela Tong, Tony Zhou, Krystin Boyce, Herb Wong
Brief description of role or responsibilities
Brenda and Nina support our clinical pharmacists in a multitude of ways including ensuring continuity of medication therapy by clarifying certain medication regimens, arranging patient’s own/nonformulary supplies, and following up specific bloodwork.
Brenda and Nina also help facilitate seamless transitions at patient admission and discharge by confirming Pharmacare registration and coverage, facilitating special authority coverage, and providing handover to community resources when applicable.
Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:
We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for the hard work and dedication of our clinical pharmacy technicians.
Nina and Brenda have helped our patients spread throughout the SMH campus, including SMH psychiatry and Timber Creek Tertiary Mental Health Centre, the Emergency Department, Cardiology amongst many other clinical units. They play an essential role in our department and complete a variety of important tasks.
Their attention to detail and commitment to patient care have been exemplary and they have made a significant impact on the patient care experience and help ensure the smooth functioning and efficiency of the pharmacy team. They have a crucial role in ensuring our patients receive the best possible care.
Brenda and Nina are true assets to our team and we are grateful and proud to have them as our colleagues.
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