Rochelle Gellatly
Rochelle Gellatly

Rochelle Gellatly BScPharm, ACPR, PharmD, BCCCP
Coordinator, Clinical Pharmacy Services, Surrey Memorial Hospital
Profile submitted by:
Karyn Bagri, Harleen Chohan, and Florian Zhou
Brief description of role or responsibilities
Dr. Rochelle Gellatly is the Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator at Surrey Memorial Hospital.
Rochelle coordinates clinical pharmacy services at Surrey Memorial Hospital. She strongly actively advocates and communicates our department’s interests/concerns to the site and health authority’s leadership. Being an avid researcher herself, Rochelle also actively identifies and supports research and publication opportunities for staff interested in pursuing academia.
Through this role, Rochelle has advocated for the department through innovative leadership and strategy development to advance teaching, research and clinical opportunities within pharmacy services.
Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:
Rochelle has been an amazing mentor and has played a pivotal role in my pharmacy career. She has been incredibly supportive and helpful in increasing my skillset both as a researcher and educator.
I began working with Rochelle in 2020 when we shared an office in the Critical Care unit at Surrey Memorial Hospital. I quickly learned how dedicated and passionate she was about advancing pharmacy practice with her involvement in various research projects, protocol development and quality control projects, amongst other things.
Knowing my growing interest in research, Rochelle provided the opportunity to be a co-investigator in the project “Concordance of Interleukin-6 Receptor Antagonist Prescribing In the Fraser Health Authority to British Columbia Coronavirus Disease 2019 Guidance.” My involvement in this work opened the door to other opportunities such as co-precepting in a directed studies course and the presentation of our results at the CSHP BC Branch Poster presentation.
Rochelle has always pushed me to seek opportunities that will make me grow as a pharmacist and my successful path to becoming an education experiential facilitator is in part due to her encouragement. I wouldn’t be in the position I am today without her guidance and coaching.
I have witnessed Rochelle showcase her excellent leadership skills as she transitioned from her role as a Critical Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist to our Clinical Coordinator. Her door is always open to discuss precepting strategies, career development and she always provides me with thoughtful feedback. Her dedication to pharmacy practice is inspiring and motivates me to continue expanding my skillset and practicing at my full scope.
– Karyn Bagri
In her role as the Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator at Surrey Memorial Hospital, it is clear to see that Rochelle strives to create a work environment that fosters innovation, collaboration and avenues for further career/skill development for staff. Rochelle has been a mentor to me in countless ways over the last year as I navigated working as a clinical pharmacist in my first year. Rochelle always leads by example and her hard work, attention to detail and dedication to advancing pharmacy practice at SMH does not go unnoticed!
Rochelle has always welcomed my ideas for professional growth with open arms and not only provided me with opportunities to expand my clinical practice, but also supported my research initiatives through fostering key hospital-wide connections that have been pivotal in establishing myself as a clinician. Despite her busy schedule, Rochelle has carved out time to provide support, encouragement, feedback and guidance on various initiatives and has provided me with a platform to build on my passion to provide culturally tailored, patient centered care.
Rochelle’s mentorship style is to empower those around her with skills and guidance, so they are able to grow independently. The immense growth I have experienced over the past year would not be possible without Rochelle’s efforts and I look forward to using these skills towards future opportunities.
– Harleen Chohan
I met Rochelle for the first time as a PGY1 resident on my critical care rotation. At that time I could already tell that she was someone who just got things done – from the dedication of listening to critical care medicine podcasts on the drive to and from work, to the way she shared her vast knowledge to advocate for patients during ICU rounds and deeply cared about their well being, it was clear she was a pharmaceutical force to be reckoned with.
Fast forward three years, not only is she excellently managing her relatively new role as clinical coordinator, Rochelle also continuously seeks opportunities for her staff to develop and achieve their professional goals. She voluntarily gave up her evenings and weekends to edit and provide feedback for numerous manuscript revisions, leading to successful submission of our manuscript. In the intimidating realm of research and academia, I am thankful that I had someone with extensive knowledge and past experience like Rochelle to refer to and ask endless questions.
Thank you Rochelle for tirelessly leading our entire pharmacy department at Surrey Memorial through these tumultuous COVID times, and for continuously taking the time to help your l staff members individually. I really appreciate everything you do!
– Florian Zhou
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