Vancouver, BC

Jessica Manning

Jessica Manning

Jessica Manning

Clinical Pharmacist

Profile submitted by: Indraj Uppal

Brief description of role or responsibilities​

Jessica is a clinical pharmacist at the University Hospital of Northern BC (UHNBC) practising in maternity, pediatrics, and the NICU. Jessica takes on a significant teaching role, precepting both pharmacy students and residents. In addition, she provides teachings to nursing staff, pediatricians, and medical students on the pediatrics CTU team.

With her expertise, Jessica is a heavily relied on resource consulted for peds/NICU/maternity-related advice not just by our site, but also from across the region!

She is the Northern Health (NH) pharmacy lead in charge of reviewing all order sets/PowerPlans in these areas and is also responsible for maintaining our “holy grail” pediatrics resources, such as the Neonatal Drug Administration Manual consisting of ~200 monographs! Additionally, she serves as the NH pharmacy lead in pediatric oncology, writing chemo orders and coordinating administration of treatment.

Beyond her work on the ward, she also supports an outpatient pediatrics clinic and participates in quality improvement initiatives as a member of various working groups.

Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:

I’m fortunate to have been precepted by Jessica during my pediatrics rotation in residency.

Working alongside Jessica has taught me what kind of pharmacist I’d like to become. I’m inspired by her work ethic, integrity, and poise when faced with challenges.

On my first day, what stood out to me immediately was her kind, gentle nature. She radiates warmth, fostering an environment of trust and collaboration that makes team members feel valued and appreciated. It’s no wonder that she quickly became my mentor; someone I turn to for career advice and to discuss life in general.

Jessica took a genuine interest in my life beyond residency and as she learned more about me, she anticipated what challenges I may be experiencing and talked to me about them. This truly means a lot to me. As someone who moved to Prince George away from friends or family, this kind of support is exactly what I needed amidst the stress of residency, and I left our rotation together feeling refreshed and hopeful that I can power through the rest of the year.

Jess, thank you for all that you do!