Jamie Yuen
Jamie Yuen
Clinical Pharmacist and Lecturer
Profile submitted by: Elizabeth Sugiarto
Brief description of role or responsibilities
Jamie role is a clinical pharmacist and lecturer at the UBC Pharmacists Clinic. He has an active clinical practice and leads research initiatives such as practice-based research and innovation in pharmacy and teaches about primary care practice.
Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:
Jamie was my clinical supervisor for two years and mentor for one year prior. I believe that he is an outstanding and an engaging mentor that goes above and beyond to support his mentees in reaching their goal. He creates a safe environment where mentees can learn new concepts and expose them to different areas of pharmacy practice such as a wide variety of research initiatives and clinical practice scenarios. Jamie regularly checks in on his mentees to ensure that they are making process, providing resources, and constructive feedback. Given that he is also a great communicator (i.e., providing feedback, answering questions, and creating meeting notes), and has excellent knowledge in research and clinical practice, he exceeds expectations as a mentor and supervisor.
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