Alana Winters
Alana Winters
Dispensary supervisor
Profile submitted by: Jennifer Kang
Brief description of role or responsibilities
Alana enthusiastically supervises all aspects of the pharmacy dispensary. She manages to streamline workflow and support our pharmacists, assistants, and technicians all while considering how we can best optimize and support patient care. She also has the critical task of keeping our dispensary leeches alive and take very good care of them.
Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:
Alana, our Dispensary Supervisor, trained me when I started at Surrey Memorial Hospital. It was inspiring to see her be incredibly hands on with all aspects of the dispensary. Our training sessions would often get interrupted by various staff members seeking Alana out for guidance, advice, or wisdom – she always makes sure that staff feel supported with their work and give them the confidence they need to ask questions and do their best. Even though starting hospital practice from community was intimidating for me, Alana was incredibly thorough and patient with me and I now feel like I have the tools to do well. She sets the tone for a supportive, motivated, and efficient workplace and it wouldn’t be the same without an amazing Pharmacist like her!
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