Vancouver, BC

Aberdeen Pharmacy Department

Aberdeen Pharmacy Department

Aberdeen Pharmacy Department

Nick Edwards (Pharmacy Site Coordinator)


Pharmacy Technicians & Assistants

Profile submitted by: Annick Sevigny

Brief description of role or responsibilities​

Aberdeen pharmacy provides pharmacy related services to various Island Health long-term care sites located in Victoria. The pharmacists who work at Aberdeen, along with the technicians and assistants work tirelessly to ensure optimal care is provided at the various long term care sites, as well as in the pharmacy itself.

Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:

Nick Edwards (pharmacy site coordinator) the pharmacists, technicians, and assistants at Aberdeen pharmacy, along with pharmacy technicians that provide care for residents at The Summit all do an amazing job in providing exceptional care to their residents. Their attention to detail and positive attitudes allow for friendly collaboration and a great work environment. We are thankful to work alongside all these special individuals, each contributing significantly to ensure effective and safe care at our dynamic LTC sites. Their flexibility, dedication, and steadfast commitment are the foundation to the brilliant levels of teamwork we experience. Our appreciation a big kudos goes out to you all for the fantastic work!