Winnie Chan
Winnie Chan

Clinical Pharmacy Informatics Specialist, Richmond Hospital
Profile submitted by: Gabriel Loh
Brief description of role or responsibilities
Winnie is the Clinical Pharmacy Informatics Specialist (CPIS) for Richmond Hospital, a newly created position for our department since our site transitioned over to the Cerner Computerized Provider Order Entry System this past June 2024.
Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:
Winnie has been such an important member of our Pharmacy Department as soon as the timeline for our site was announced to onboard onto the CST Cerner System and Closed Loop Medication Management. Working alongside our Pharmacy Project Manager, Nichoe Huan, Winnie helped RH Pharmacy Leadership identify the gaps we had in all our workflows (distribution, clinical, inventory) to prepare for this immense practice change. She also acted as a liaison with both Richmond and Regional clinical informatics groups. She took an active part in conducting lunch-and-learns on various learning topics that our staff still refer to right now. She was also key helping to shape the Oncology Clinic workflow for the Cerner system once it was determined that the RH Oncology Clinic would fall into scope for Computerized Provider Order Entry. Often working quietly behind the scenes, Winnie tirelessly helps us with all of our various informatics questions and is an invaluable resource to all of us. Thank you Winnie!