SMH Clinical Pharmacists
SMH Clinical Pharmacists
Marina Casol, Cindy Ma, Emma Attfield, Jordan Ho, Nate Paras, Nina Bredenkamp, Karyn Bagri
Surrey Memorial Hospital
Profile submitted by:
Rochelle Gellatly, Kieran Shah, Jarred Kelly
Brief description of role or responsibilities
These clinical pharmacists provide both direct patient care and dispensary related activities to ensure the safe and effective use of medications in hospitalized patients at Surrey Memorial Hospital.
Description of roles to improve patient care or provide pharmacy services during the COVID-19 pandemic
During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Surrey Memorial Hospital ICU doubled in capacity. While little was known of the virus at that time, the decision was made to minimize direct patient care duties to only the ICU Clinical Pharmacy Specialist team. To support the delivery of high quality patient care, the aforementioned clinical pharmacists assisted with conducting best possible medication histories remotely for patients admitted to the ICU. This often required calling family members and pharmacies to determine the medication regimens of patients. This was subsequently handed over to the ICU pharmacists to ensure an accurate review of the patient’s medications could be completed.
Description of impact to improve patient care or provide pharmacy services during the COVID-19 pandemic
With the teamwork of these clinical pharmacists supporting the ICU Pharmacy Team, we were able to maintain our high quality patient care throughout this surge in the pandemic. As a best possible medication history is a key part to delivering patient care in a hospital setting, we were able to ensure appropriate medications were continued and patient’s safely transitioned through their care with knowledge of their home medication therapy.