This is an ELECTED position and the Secretary acts as a voting member of the BC Branch Executive.
The Secretary will:
- Assume responsibility for the Terms of Reference for the position.
- Serve as custodian for the Branch’s documents.
- Be responsible for all Branch correspondence as directed by the President.
- Record all activities of the Branch as discussed at Branch Council meetings.
- Distribute the Council-approved minutes and all reports from the previous meeting via email to:
- Branch President
- Distribute the draft minutes and all reports via email to the Branch President and Branch Council Members prior to the next Branch Council Meeting
- Upon completion of the Council year, compile a list of all motions of the Branch Council Meetings (including those passed via email correspondence between Branch meetings) and Annual General Meeting for the past year and distribute them to the new Branch Council Members at their first meeting.
- Branch Council Meetings
- Book the meeting room for Branch Council Meetings for in person attendance
- Email a calendar invite and call for agenda items to Branch Council Members for Branch Council Meetings on the first of each month (excluding July, August and November)
- Attend Branch Council Meetings and record minutes.
- Obtain reports from any Branch Council Member and attach to minutes
- No later than two weeks following each Branch Council Meeting, distribute the Council-approved minutes and any reports from the previous meeting to:
- Branch President
- By the Friday before the next Branch Council Meeting, distribute the agenda, draft minutes and all reports via email to the Branch President and Branch Council Members
- Maintain a file of originals of all reports and minutes from each meeting.
- Maintain the CSHP-BC Branch Council contact list and forward any updates to:
- Communication Officer (who will post on the website)
- Executive Assistant of CSHP National
- Each January, collect and maintain the Branch Council Members conflict of interest forms and store them for a period of one year from signature
- Annual General Meetings
- E-mail a copy of the minutes to the Secretary of CSHP National prior to the next AGM.
- Yearly Motions
- Upon completion of the Council year, compile a list of all motions of the Branch Council Meetings (including those passed via email correspondence between Branch meetings) and the Annual General Meeting of the year and distribute them to the new Branch Council Members at their first meeting.