Vancouver, BC

Rosanne Thalakada

Rosanne Thalakada

Rosanne Thalakada

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist – Antimicrobial Stewardship

Profile submitted by: Amy Jradi

Brief description of role or responsibilities​

Rosanne is one of the ASPIRES (antimicrobial stewardship) pharmacists at Vancouver General Hospital. She has many roles and responsibilities under her portfolio to promote antibiotic stewardship.

Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:

One of Rosanne’s main roles is liaising with clinical pharmacists on the ward to review patients’ antimicrobials and provide guidance for optimizing care. Rosanne creates genuine connections with the pharmacists at Vancouver General Hospital; creating a safe space to discuss patient cases, ask questions, and have meaningful discussions about current practice. As a new clinical pharmacist, I admire Rosanne’s authenticity and thoroughly enjoy our weekly clinical discussions.