Vancouver, BC

Recruitment Awards


Established in 2012 by Mr. Mits Miyata, who believes that the strength of our organization is in our numbers, the purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding membership recruitment efforts by members.  There will be two categories for this award:

  • Category 1:        Most Outstanding Recruiter of Active Members (excluding students)
  • Category 2:        Most Outstanding Recruiter of Student Supporters

Award Description

The award will consist of a plaque and cash prize of $150.00 (Category 1) and $50.00 (Category 2).

A raffle draw for 4 separate prizes will take place at the AGM for all other recruiters. Each new recruit confers one extra raffle for the recruiter.


The most number of new recruits assigned to the candidate for each category will be the recipient of the awards.  The candidate must be an active member or student supporter of CSHP-BC Branch.

Selection Criteria

  • The candidate must ensure that his/her name and CSHP number is documented as a primary recruiter on the application form at the time of submission of the new member’s application to CSHP.
  • The candidate must be a member in good standing of the CSHP-BC Branch.
  • The candidate will be identified by the Awards Chair through a review of new CSHP membership records retained by CSHP National.

Submission Requirements

  • The candidate is not required to apply for this award.
  • The award recipients and recruiters will be identified by the CSHP BC Branch Awards Chair after verification of recruitment records

Deadline: October 31

A record of Active and Student Supporters with new recruits will be reviewed at this time to identify the winners.

Award Presentation

The awards will be presented at the Annual General Meeting. The raffle prize draw will also take place at the Annual General Meeting.