Vancouver, BC

RCH Clinical Pharmacists

RCH Clinical Pharmacists

RCH Clinical Pharmacists

Profile submitted by: Ann-Marie Liberman

Brief description of role or responsibilities​

The first site to document all clinical activities in Meditech Expanse.

Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:

A huge congratulations to the Clinical Pharmacist team at RCH for being the first site to use Meditech Expanse to document all of their patient care activities. This achievement is a testament to their adaptability and commitment to improving patient care.

The clinical pharmacists’ ability to embrace and master a new system while maintaining exceptional standards of care speaks volumes about their teamwork and professionalism. The hard work and persistence they demonstrated throughout this transition have not only streamlined processes but also provided invaluable feedback that will help improve the system for everyone in Fraser Health in the future.

By being trailblazers, the RCH clinical pharmacy team set an inspiring example for others, and their efforts are directly contributing to better patient outcomes. Their resilience, willingness to embrace change, and unwavering commitment to providing top-notch care is commendable.