Grant Description
This grant will be given to a member of CSHP-BC Branch whose application shows significant and promising contribution to reduce pharmacy related impact on the environment. The grant will consist of up to $5000.
- The successful applicant must currently be an active pharmacist or pharmacy technician member of CSHP-BC Branch (with a minimum of 1 year of membership).
- Should the applicant be successful in the grant competition, the applicant or delegate will be required to present the results of their initiative at one of the CSHP-BC branch presentations during Pharmacy Awareness Month the following year.
- Application does not duplicate funding already held for this project or a portion of the project. If an additional funding source is being solicited, the funding source, funding amount and decision date for that funding source is to be declared.
Competition Process
- A call for sustainable environment grant submissions will be announced around Pharmacy Awareness Month via emails and other media.
- The CSHP-BC Environment Grant Subcommittee will review submissions based on established criteria and will forward recommendations for funding to CSHP-BC Branch. Note: The amount of funding allotted to the successful application will be determined by the Grant Subcommittee to a maximum of $5,000 and may be approved or revised by the CSHP-BC Branch. The amount of the grant may be less than requested in the grant application.
- All grant applicants will be notified of the outcome of the Subcommittee’s evaluation of their application.
- Applications must achieve a minimum score in order to be considered for funding.
- The sustainable environment initiative or program should be completed within one year from the date the grant is received. The CSHP-BC Branch will consider extensions in exceptional circumstances only.
- Grant money will be released upon the signing of an agreement that will include an update to be submitted at 6 months of the release of the grant money and a presentation of the program results during Pharmacy Awareness Month in the following year.
- A photograph of the grant recipient(s) and a summary of the funded initiative undertaken by the recipient(s) will be posted on the CSHP-BC website and announced in CSHP-BC publications and social media.
- Timelines for the grant competitions are:
- deadline for grant submission is April 22, 2024 (Earth Day)
- announcement of the successful applicant is on May 15, 2024
- progress update report in October 2024
- presentation of initiative results during Pharmacy Awareness Month in March 2025
Required Elements of Grant Submission:
A written proposal (no more than 3 pages, Arial, 10 font) to include:
- A brief overview of the sustainable environment initiative or program including:
- Background and current impact on the environment
- Rationale and justification for the program, including relevance to the environment and/or patient care.
- Goals and objectives of the program, including anticipated benefits/impact on the environment.
- Measurable outcomes and deliverables, including impact on the environment, ability to sustain program after funding source has exhausted.
- A detailed timeline for the initiative/program.
- A detailed budget with description of costs. Funding can be used to fund personnel (i.e. students, analysts), supplies and equipment.
- Curriculum vitae of the principal applicant.
- A letter of support from the Director of the Hospital Pharmacy that the proposed change(s) will be implemented.
- A brief overview of the sustainable environment initiative or program including: