Kevin Hong
Kevin Hong

Clinical Pharmacist at Vancouver General Hospital
Profile submitted by:
Ming Chang
Brief description of role or responsibilities
Kevin is a residency-trained clinical pharmacist who practices at Vancouver General Hospital (VGH). Kevin has experience covering multiple clinical areas, including Internal Medicine, General Surgery, and PACU. More recently, he has been providing patient care at our outpatient Atrial Fibrillation Clinic.
Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:
Since our time together in residency, Kevin has always demonstrated his passion in becoming a top-notch clinician. From creating organized notes to staying current with evidence, he shined even early on in his training.
He continues to exemplify the definition of a stellar clinical pharmacist by acting as a pillar for his colleagues and learners at VGH. Fellow pharmacists, including myself, regularly run clinical situations by Kevin because he has a sound thought process and strong baseline knowledge in many areas.
To our benefit, his desire to provide the best patient care has motivated him to review, dissect, and share his findings of the latest literature. Most importantly, Kevin is always happy to listen and to provide candid feedback. We are lucky to have a professional like him on our team.
Thank you, Kevin!
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