Vancouver, BC

Grace Song

Grace Song

Grace Song

Pharmacy Resident

Profile submitted by: Mira Koro

Brief description of role or responsibilities​

Alongside a Neuropsychiatry team comprised of neuropsychiatrists, clinical pharmacists, and nurses, Grace led a study on pharmacological options for the treatment of disinhibition in acquired brain injury during her UBC directed studies. She was involved in each step from completing a thorough literature search to interviewing patients and completing data collection and analysis to manuscript writing and submission. The project helped inspire practice change.

Subsequently, Grace volunteered for another project to devise a pre-printed order and algorithm for UTIs in long-term care. After that, she published a review article on the evidence for supplements in UTI prophylaxis with a team of clinical pharmacists and a clinical coordinator.

Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:

Although the directed studies program was limited to a few months, Grace decided to go above and beyond and work with the multidisciplinary teams for 3 years; she volunteered her time towards the betterment of patients’ health and quality of life. Her work was paradigmatic of leadership and dedication as she proficiently applied her skills in clinical knowledge translation which has benefitted patients at the system level by devising treatment policies that have been adopted regionally and resulted in publications. Grace’s ongoing motivation to serve our patients and community has been a great asset to patient care.

One aspect that stands out when working with Grace is her compassionate and kind approach towards inspiring change. Her discipline, determination, and clear intellect coupled with very hard work formed a great platform for the success of the pharmacy team in devising protocols based on the latest evidence. The focus was on understanding the root cause of issues encountered and finding practical solutions.

Grace perceived that the bigger picture is about excellence in patients’ health and the community through respecting, co-operating, leading, innovating, and learning together. Grace’s qualities and personality are a perfect example of how much the pharmacy department and the multidisciplinary team can achieve when we are united towards a common goal of serving our patients!

Thank you so much Grace for your very hard work and your cooperative and benevolent approach…

The teams are so proud of you.