Gabrielle Deneault
Gabrielle Deneault

Pharmacy Technician, Kelowna General Hospital
Profile submitted by: Terri Argument
Brief description of role or responsibilities
Gabby is one of the most dedicated, hardworking, and positive members of our pharmacy team at Kelowna General Hospital.
Describe how the individual or team made a positive contribution to patient care or their pharmacy department:
Gabby deserves recognition for so many reasons and I will do my best to condense some of the key contributions that Gabby makes that help to elevate the delivery of patient care from great to exceptional here at our in-patient pharmacy at KGH.
As we all know, short staffing and over capacity patient admissions in our hospitals, increases stress, demands and workload on all health care teams in place to help manage patient care.
Gabby is always the first one to stand up and offer her expertise and assistance when there is anything that needs to be done, regardless of whether it falls within her specific role as a pharmacy technician on any given day.
Her willingness to go above and beyond is apparent regardless of whether or not she is compounding in the IV room, ensuring that hospital units have access to necessary medications, is assisting with the preparation and distribution of pharmacy inventory, helping to cover roles left vacant by sick team members or investigating narcotic discrepancies.
Her positive attitude and high level of professionalism truly helps to ensure that our pharmacy team functions as a cohesive unit and her presence as a valued team member allows us as a team to effectively meet the needs of all of our patients.
Gabby, thank you for all you do! You have personally taught me so much and I am a much better pharmacy technician because of your innate ability to share and mentor all members of our pharmacy technician and assistant team.
You need to be formally recognised for your dedication to excellence, your unflagging assistance and willingness to step up whenever the need arises, and for your positive attitude and never ending support of your peers! You make our KGH in-patient pharmacy a fantastic place to work!
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