Vancouver, BC

CSHP BC Council


Vanessa Paquette |

Reason for becoming involved with CSHP:  
I was interested in meeting and interacting with other pharmacists with similar ideas and visions for the future of hospital pharmacy practice.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
Police officer with the Vancouver Police Department


Reason for becoming involved with CSHP:  
Through CSHP, I will be part of a national community dedicated to advancing pharmacy practice, fostering professional development, and advocating for the highest standards of patient care in hospital and healthcare settings.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
Events planner

Past President

Winnie Ma | 

Reason for becoming involved with CSHP:  
Contribute to advancing the pharmacy profession and collaborate with pharmacists, technicians, students and leaders who are committed to patient care and improving our health system.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
Scuba diving instructor

BC Delegate

Karen Dahri |

Reason for becoming involved with CSHP:
CSHP plays a valuable role in representing hospital pharmacy practice and I want to help support its initiatives.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
History or English teacher

Awards Chairperson

Stacey Tkachuk |

Reason(s) for becoming involved with CSHP:  
To meet new people and work together to advocate for the great work that hospital pharmacists and technicians do and to help move our profession forward.   

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
Luxury real estate agent

Programs Chairperson

Colin Lee |

Fundraising Chairperson

Jacqueline Kwok |

Reason(s) for becoming involved with CSHP:  
Be part of a community with the common goal of organizing events that promote hospital practice, while meeting new people.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
Pastry chef with my own bakery!

Membership Chairperson

Shirin Malek |

Advocacy Chairperson

Michael Kammermayer | 

Reason(s) for becoming involved with CSHP:  
To work with the inspirational pharmacists and pharmacy leaders continuing the exceptional work that has been done to advocate for hospital, ambulatory care, and primary care pharmacists and technicians.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
Travel blogger


Sarah Masson |

Reason(s) for becoming involved with CSHP:  
I have a strong passion for clinical pharmacy and want to be actively involved in advocating for expanded clinical pharmacy services across the health care spectrum.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
Travel writer, tropical locales only!




Kevin Kwok |

Reason(s) for becoming involved with CSHP:  
An opportunity to work alongside like-minded pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in organizing collaborative efforts to further pharmacy practice in the hospital setting.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
Airline pilot

Communications Officer:

Tracy Liu |

Reason(s) for becoming involved with CSHP:  
I wanted to more involved with hospital pharmacy and connect with different peers from across BC and Canada. I wanted to contribute leadership to benefit the pharmacy profession.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:
Professional balloon twister by day and cellist by night

Interior BC Chapter Co-Chair:

Lauren Siemers


Interior BC Chapter Co-Chair:

Melissa Lane

Northern BC Chapter Chair:

Katie Bellefeuille

Vancouver Island Chapter Co-Chair:

Dorothy Lau

Vancouver Island Chapter Co-Chair:

Matthew Del Nin

Reason for becoming involved with CSHP:  
I think that CSHP hosts great continuing education events and wanted to chip in to help take on some of the workload. I’m also hopeful CSHP can advocate for key issues in our profession to reduce pharmacist attrition/burnout, establish safe patient: pharmacist ratios, support pharmacists in practicing as independent clinicians, and ensure people can get top-notch pharmacy care regardless of where they live.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:  
I would live in a van and ski/mountain bike every day, taking odd jobs to pay the bills (I have minimal transferrable skills).

Fraser Valley Chapter Co-Chair:

 Kendra Southwood

Fraser Valley Chapter Co-Chair:

Harleen Chohan

Co-Chief Resident:

Emma Fedusiak

Reason for becoming involved with CSHP:  
I had great experiences interacting with CSHP Saskatchewan as a student! I want to continue to be involved as a Resident in a new province.

Alternative profession, if hadn’t chosen pharmacy & if money wasn’t an issue:  
Book Reviewer

Co-Chief Resident

Marcus Wong


Student Membership Coordinator:

CAPSI Representative

Jeevan Gill |