Vancouver, BC

Advocacy Chairperson

The Advocacy Chairperson will:

  • Be responsible for establishing the agenda for, organizing, and chairing a monthly CSHP BC Branch Advocacy Committee meeting with the exceptions of summer months (July and August), and the month of the CSHP BC Branch Annual General Meeting (November) unless otherwise agreed upon by the Committee
  • Develop advocacy strategies and plans for the year in discussion with members of the Advocacy Committee including activities related with CSHP’s Pharmacy Appreciation Month
    • Appoint a Pharmacy Appreciation Month Lead and/or Co-leads 
  • Serve as the liaison between the Branch Council and the Advocacy Committee regarding advocacy issues and campaigns
    • Assist with strategic planning as it relates to advocacy strategies and plans
  • Attend all scheduled meetings of the Branch Council
    • Chairperson or one of the co-chairs will attend each meeting. If two co-chairs, only one of the two will attend a Branch Council meeting at any given time.
    • Participate fully in Branch Council discussions and decisions
    • Provide updates from the Advocacy Committee to the Branch Council as required
  • Participate in all scheduled Advocacy Committee meetings
    • Participate fully in Advocacy Committee discussions and decisions
    • Provide updates from the Branch to the Advocacy Committee as required
  • Provide local support to Branch for specific CSHP advocacy campaigns
    • Co-attend meetings with government officials with Branch President
    • Assist Branch President and Council to promote local advocacy initiatives
    • Liaise with external organizations and key stakeholders as required
    • Facilitate presentations and/or meetings to disseminate advocacy issues to Branch members as required
    • Provide support with advocacy communications including but not limited to position statements, open letters, surveys.
  • Attend the Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM)
    • Provide written progress report for membership
    • Contribute to relevant discussions as required ▪ Regularly contribute to Branch Newsletter
  • Provide orientation for the incoming Branch Advocacy Chairperson
  • Review and update the “Terms of Reference” of this position bi-annually

Term of Appointment

  • A Chairperson or two co-chairs will be appointed by Branch President for a 2-year term
  • Term is renewable for 1 additional term upon mutual agreement (maximum of 4 years)

Committee Membership

  • Advocacy Committee members must have an active CSHP membership
  • Yearly Conflict of Interest disclosures are required and will be maintained by the Advocacy
  • Advocacy Committee members must attend at least 4 Advocacy Committee meetings yearly (in person or via online/teleconferencing)
  • Committee Membership should endeavor to include the following:
    • Advocacy Chairperson or two Advocacy Co-Chairs
    • Pharmacy Appreciation Month Lead (or co-Leads)
    • Pharmacy Student(s) (up to 2)
    • Pharmacy Resident (up to 2 PGY1 and/or PGY2)
    • CSHP BC Branch President, Past President, or President Elect
    • CSHP/BC Pharmacy Technician Society Liaison

Last Updated: December 2024