Vancouver, BC

Mentorship Award


The purpose of this award is to recognize members who have made significant contributions to the profession of pharmacy through teaching or mentorship in Hospital Practice.

Award Description

The award will consist of a plaque and cash prize of $500.


The nominee must be an active member of CSHP BC Branch for at least five years and have at least three years of experience as a mentor in hospital pharmacy practice. The candidate must be nominated by two active members of the CSHP BC Branch. Each application shall also be supported by at least one mentee via letters of endorsement.

Click here for the Nomination Form

Selection Criteria

  • The nominee must be a member in good standing of the CSHP BC Branch for at least five years.
  • The nominee should have at least three years’ experience in institutional pharmacy practice and may have been involved with the following activities:
    • Precepting pharmacy students, technicians, residents and interns
    • Training and/or supervising staff pharmacists in patient care activities, pharmacy research and/or pharmacy administration
  • The nominee must exemplify the combined skills of a teacher, a mentor, a recognized leader and practitioner though the following activities:
    • Being a positive influence on pharmacy practice to students and residents 
    • Continuing to upgrade their own skills
    • Teaching through sharing of nominee’s own experiences
    • The ability to motivate and encourage students, peers, and staff
    • Readily creating opportunities for students, peers or staff to gain valuable experiences
    • Enhancing the professional image of pharmacists through recognized patient care activities, pharmacy services, research activities, publications, invited presentations or through the achievement of previous awards 
    • Actively participates in various professional committees or hold membership in relevant associations

Submission Requirements

  • One electronic copy of a letter of nomination containing a written summary, not more than 500 words describing the nominee’s contributions to teaching and mentoring.
  • One electronic copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae or resume.
  • At least 2 letters of endorsement (maximum 500 words each) containing information regarding mentorship; at least one letter should be from a mentee.
  • Completed application form signed by two CSHP members supporting the nomination.

Deadline: September 30

Application are judged solely on the data submitted.

Award Presentation

The award will be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

Past Award Recipients​

List of past award recipients for the CSHP BC Branch Mentorship Award HERE