Vancouver, BC

Compassionate Membership Grant


Established in 2014, this grant was inspired by a retired pharmacist who reached out to the CSHP-BC Branch Council for financial assistance. He was a long-term member of CSHP and was actively involved with numerous activities to advance the pharmacy profession.

Grant Description

This grant is intended to assist CSHP-BC Branch members to continue their involvements with CSHP, even at times of financial hardship. Applicants may be members who are unable to continue their CSHP membership, because of illness, unemployment, retirement or other reasonable causes.


Eligible candidates must be CSHP members in good standing, with at least one year of membership with CSHP-BC Branch.

Selection Criteria

  • Applications will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis by the CSHP BC-Branch Council each fiscal year.
  • All applicants will remain anonymous upon review by the CSHP BC-Branch Council.
  • Up to 3 applicants may receive this grant annually. The grant will be applied towards the applicant’s membership fee for the following fiscal year.

Applications will be reviewed based on:

  • Years of CSHP membership
  • Contributions to the pharmacy profession
  • Contributions to CSHP