Vancouver, BC

Executive Committee

1. Lengths of Terms of Office

a) Executive Officers 
The following positions are elected by the CSHP BC Branch membership: 

  • President: 1 year 
  • President-Elect: 1 year
  • Past President: 1 year
  • Treasurer: 2 years (may repeat X 1; maximum 4 years)
  • Secretary: 2 years (may repeat X 1; maximum 4 years)
  • Programs Committee Chair: 1 year

If the President-Elect cannot assume the Presidential duties for the following year, the Council shall appoint an Executive Committee member, past or present, to assume the Presidential duties.

If the President cannot complete the year, the President-Elect shall complete the year, as well as the one following.

If the Treasurer or Secretary cannot complete the year, the Council shall appoint a member to assume the position until the end of the term.

b) Executive Officers
The following positions are appointed by Council:

  • BC Delegate: 3 year term (may repeat X 1; maximum 6 years)
  • Communications Officer: 2 year (may repeat X 1)
  • Membership Services Chairperson: 2 years (May repeat X 1)
  • Awards Chairperson: 2 years (may repeat X 1)
  • Advocacy Representative: 2 years (may repeat X 1)
  • Fundraising Chairperson: 2 year (may repeat X 1)

c) Committees


Two years (may repeat X 1; maximum 4 years); may stay on the committee as a member the following year to provide continuity; it is a good idea to have been a member of a committee prior to assuming the Chair).

With the exception of the Programs Committee Chairperson which is an elected one year term.

Notes: The 2 year term is desirable for all the appointed positions, however, the President and Council has the option of changing Chairs and to accommodate members who feel they cannot make a 2 year commitment, on an annual basis.

If a committee chair cannot complete the term, the President shall appoint a member to assume the position until the end of the term.

Members: ANNUAL renewal, by the Chair, with no limit of the number of terms.

2. General Expectations

Committee Chairs (Awards, Membership Services, Programs)

  • Assume responsibility for the “Terms of Reference” of the committee.
  • Recruit committee members.
  • Write each committee member no later than 1 month after the Branch AGM, expressing appreciation for their agreement to serve on the committee. Include a copy of the committee’s “Terms of Reference” and objectives for the coming year, and the Branch “policies and procedures” pertinent to the committee.
  • Review the committee recommendations from the AGM report of the previous year’s Chair, and report on the disposition of these recommendations in the next AGM report.
  • Hold committee meetings during the year as required.
  • Attend all Executive Committee Meetings and the Branch Annual General Meeting.
  • Provide the Executive Committee with written progress reports at each Executive Committee Meeting. Make copies of the reports for all Executive Committee members (15), and send the original and copies to the Branch Secretary, at least two weeks prior to the Executive Committee Meeting.
    • Some Branch Secretaries may prefer to do the copying themselves. Confirm with the Secretary annually which method is to be followed. If the Committee Report is not forwarded prior to the Executive Committee Meeting, the Chair should bring 15 copies of their report to the meeting.
    • Submit a report for the Branch AGM, including recommendations, to the Branch Secretary, 4 to 6 weeks prior to the AGM so all reports may be compiled and sent to the membership in advance.
  • Submit a budget for the following year to the Finance Committee, by October 15 of the current year.
  • Assist the incoming Chair, with respect to responsibilities, when the term of office is completed. (If possible, attend the first Executive Committee meeting after the AGM to review the recommendations and upcoming year’s activities with the new Chair).
  • As outgoing Chair, thank members for their service on the committee and notify them a new committee will be established for the coming year.
  • Submit “Expense Claim Forms” for reimbursement for Committee expenses. The Executive Committee must specifically approve expenses in excess of the amount for each committee position listed in the approved budget for the year. Travel expenses for Executive Committee Meetings are covered, but consideration should be given to reducing the costs as much as possible (i.e. use one vehicle if possible for all those travelling from one centre).