This position is appointed by the President and the Communications officer acts as a non-voting member of the BC Branch Executive.
It is the responsibility of the Communications Officer to coordinate all BC-Branch-related communications with the membership.
The Communications Officer will ensure that appropriate information is disseminated in a timely, convenient, concise, appropriate, uniform and coordinated fashion so that it is of maximal use to our members.
The Communications Officer will:
- Assume responsibility for the “Terms of Reference”.
- Manage the E-nouncement Service.
- Manage the CSHP-BC Branch Website.
- Coordinate the production and distribution of the BC Branchlet, the CSHP BC Branch Newsletter.
- Maintain the BC Branch gmail and email accounts.
- Manage the CSHP BC branch’s social media accounts.
- Manage the CSHP BC branch’s Zoom virtual platform account.
- Assist the incoming Communications Officer, with respect to responsibilities, when the term of office is completed.
Duties of the Communications Officer
- Attend Branch Council meetings.
- Maintain and update the Branch Website –
(e.g. link updates, events) - Publish the quarterly Branch Newsletter.
- Annually at the 1st meeting of the new Branch Council, prepare a newsletter schedule date with deadlines for submission and distribution.
- Solicit and edit contributions to the Branch Newsletter from the Branch Council members, and the membership. Maintain a checklist of topics and members to contact for newsletter inclusions arranged by month.
- Make Newsletter available on the Branch website.
- Maintain the E-nouncement service.
- Work with Membership Chairperson and CSHP National Membership and Awards Administrator to keep the e-mail list up to date.
- Send out E-nouncements in a timely manner (if sending from gmail, listserv address should be in the BCC box)
- Ensure all bills and invoices, for charges incurred through Branch publications/website are forwarded to the Treasurer for payment.
- Ensure that his/her personal computer is equipped with the necessary software i.e. the most recent antiviral software, newsletter design software (e.g. Microsoft Publisher), and Adobe Acrobat.
- Send out a call for resolutions at least 90 days prior to the AGM which must include the closing date for submission of resolutions to be presented at the current year’s AGM. Resolutions will be accepted from voting members of CSHP only and are to be submitted in writing to the President of CSHP BC Branch at least 45 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- Send out a call for nominations for CSHP BC Branch Executive Council at least 45 days prior to the AGM.
- Branch Website
- The Website should be the primary warehouse for ALL Branch information.
- The Website should be current at all times.
- The following sections should be included on the Website:
- For all members (public):
- Continuing Education Event Information/Registration
- Branch Highlights, Business and News
- Executive Council Contact Information and the Branch Manual
- Chapters Information
- Official Branch Publications
- Awards Information
- Membership Information
- Related Pharmacy Links
- Land Acknowledgement
- Advocacy Committee Work
- Sponsors
- For CSHP BC members (password protected):
- Past Events and Presentations
- Rx News Flash
- Related members-only content (e.g. Telus Offer, Hertz Offer)
- For all members (public):
- The website password should be changed with each new membership year (July)
- Branch Newsletter
- The standard schedule for emailing “The BC Branchlet” newsletter is four times per year: Winter (Jan), Spring (Apr), Summer (July), Fall (Oct).
- Deadlines for the submission dates for newsletter material should be at least 2 weeks prior to the mailing deadline.
- The Branch Newsletter will be:
- sent to all CSHP BC Branch =members
- posted on the BC Branch Website
- The general content of each Branch Newsletter must include the President’s message, and may include awards announcements, BC Delegate CSHP reports, annual meeting highlights, continuing education events list, recognition of drug company sponsorship, and, branch membership.
- Branch E-nouncement Service Note
- The E-nouncement Service is available for CSHP-BC Branch members only.
- E-nnoucements are also to be sent to CSHP National Publications ( for updating the CSHP National Calendar with BC Branch Events and promotion to the Avenues for Education Bi-weekly Newsletter
- E-mail addresses of members are confidential and shall not be sold or distributed.
- E-mail addresses are obtained when members sign up for the E-nouncement service. As such, these e-mail addresses shall be used only for the E-nouncement Service.
- Appropriate content for the E-nouncement service includes the following:
- CSHP-BC Branch Business
- CSHP-BC Branch Continuing Education Events
- CSHP National Conferences/Events
- Other information upon approval of BC-Branch Council
- Banff Conference
- Assist with advertising for the event.
- Pharmacy Awareness Month
- Assist with promotion of Pharmacy Awareness Month